Rosary recovered: ‘The Way of the Rose’ digs up old path for modern seekers
How the rosary got me to put down my phone.
Poem: Knowing and Kneading
Can you feel your ancestors while kneading dough?
Of Pomegranates and pain
The currency of forgiveness won’t always feed the hungry, but choosing compassion over condemnation is the right price for a meal.
Heart-Centered Living News launch
After a long hiatus from my own digital publishing, I’m thrilled to announce that I’m launching a monthly newsletter, Heart-Centered Living News.
Formal human training
Helping a stranger parallel park when you can barely park yourself never felt so good.
Democracy dies when troops stand against protesters
OP-ED Why is democracy dead? A look at troops pitted against protesters at the Lincoln Memorial in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing.
‘Thank you for keeping me alive’: love language from the kitchen
What a sprig of parsley can teach us about compassion during the Covid-19 pandemic and the endemic ‘disease of hate’ in America.
Mindfulness in the Media Storm
What can Hurricane Dorian teach us about mindfulness? The storm begs a question: ‘who am I without the chaos?’
Shawn Roop Talks Tantra and Sex
Tantra coach Shawn Roop’s talk “You Think You Know Sex?” offered juicy insight about spiritual tantric practices.
‘Tantric Sex for Busy Couples’ a great primer even for singles
Tantric Sex for Busy Couples by Diana Daffner looks at the physical and spiritual benefits of practical tantra exercises.